The purpose of this feature is to deliver a summary reports of all kinds of transactions to sellers and buyers on a specific requirements.

  1. Login to your NeuTrafiX account, find Reports Menu on the left side of your screen and click Advance Summary Reports. Please note that this feature is available on both buyer and seller side.
  2. Here you can search and setup your report based on your preferences. If you want to setup, click Schedule
  3. Fill in the Schedule Name, and choose the Schedule Period according to your need. Then, click Save.
  4. Go back to Reports Menu, and now you can see the saved schedule on the Scheduled Reports Menu
  5. Here you can see that SIP Weekly Report are succesfully scheduled. You can also edit it if there is any change in the future.
  6. So you will have your report by weekly basis, and the report will sent to your email that you setup on the Advance Notification Alert here