Routing Groups contains the NeuTrafiX Sellers and Routes that completely define how the system will route SIP calls or SMS messages from a particular Buyer's SIP or SMPP Account. The buyer will decide what sellers and routes offered on the exchange to be added into the routing group.

Routing Groups can only be assigned to Accounts that belong to the Buyer main account. By creating multiple routing groups it is possible to provide different levels and types of service for different groups of Accounts. For example, one can create a Premium Routing Group for accounts that are willing to pay extra for quality and a Regular Routing Group for everybody else. in SMS you can create one Routing Group for generic A2P traffic and another one specifically for 2FA/OTP traffic.

Available Routing Policies are: 

  • Least Cost: NeuTrafiX routes entries are tried in order, from lowest cost to highest cost.  The cost calculation is based on Tariff and price parameters from the matching Route.
  • Order: Routes are tried in the order they appear in the Routing Entries list; essentially, from lowest Order # to highest Order.
  • Weight / Load Balancing: distributes calls statistically based on the Routing Entries' Weight Value.  For example, entries with weights 1 and 9 will be distributed at 10% of call attempts to entry weight 1 and 90% to entry weight 9.

Note: Routing Engine will generate a list of up to 3 valid routes only for each call from within a routing group based on policy used. The system will attempt each entry from the list sequentially until the call successfully terminates or the list is finished.

Adding New Routing Group 

To add a new routing group in NeuTrafiX you need to follow the below steps:

1. Sign in to your account as a buyer.

2. In the Navigation bar click On Routing Drop Down >> Routing Groups.

3. Click Add New Routing Group.

4. Choose TYPE of Routing group: SMPP for SMS or SIP for Voice.

5. Give a friendly name/description for the Routing group

6. Choose Routing Policy: LCR, Load Balancing, or Order

7. Click Add New to save or Return to Routing Groups to Cancel.
