As a Virtual Number's Seller in NeuTrafiX, you could customize the billing interval or billing pulse based on your needs.
By setting the billing interval, you can get the total amount charged of the traffic from the Virtual Number's Buyer based on the call duration for Voice or submitted SMS for SMS.
Understanding Price 1/N , Interval 1/N Billing Formula:
AmountCharged = Interval1 x Price 1 / 60 + IntervalN x PriceN / 60
The total amount charged is determined by multiplying the billed duration by the price. However, since the price for subsequent intervals is set to $0, only the first second of the call is billed according to the configured price list. Always note that the price 1 & price N unit is USD/min for Voice and USD/SMS per (submission) for SMS.
How to Set the Billing Interval as a Seller
Login as a Seller > Go to "Numbers" > My Numbers. If you want to sell a new number, select "Sell New Numbers". If you want to edit the billing interval of the numbers, select "Edit" or "Gear" button to see the number details.
You can find the billing interval as the following:
After you edit the interval and "Publish", the view in the Number's MarketView as the following:
Your Numbers and the Billing Interval are now published to the NeuTrafiX members.