Multiple Format for Rate sheet Update

Release date: August 09, 2022

The following is the advantage of having Multiple Ratesheet Upload in NeuTrafiX




·  NeuTrafiX will have an advance capability to process price list offering from Seller


·  More updated destinations from the Sellers to be choose.


·  Reduce the amount of error caused by manual update to upload offering on Neutrafix portal.

·  Increase opportunity to sell more destination 

·  Increase good experience for the Seller when uploading price offering.

·  Gain more money as the Buyer can access and purchase more route and new destination from the Seller.

Ratesheet Upload using Email

Pic 1.1 Email Tariff (Voice/SIP Route)

Pic 1.2 Email Tariff (SMPP Route)

Email tariff: Seller could email the tariff to Neutrafix Rate Email from their system. The Neutrafix will process the email and put the new rate based on the tariff from the attached file. System will automatically update and check their email to update the tariff. (Pic 1.4 Email Tariff)

  • Use Format : If the seller already have the template format that active from the other Routes Name.
  • Email Sender : The valid email sender, could be have multi value separated by comma, if there is an email from this email address and sent to for SIP product and for SMPP product, system will check the email subject and attached file name, and if all valid the system will update the tariff based on the attached file and if there is an error, system will reply to the sender, main email, sell rate email, and finance email for the details.
  • Email Subject : The default email subject, consist of the Specific code, Seller Name, Route Name and the rate type (a to z or partial). The customer send an email from “Email Sender” and sent to or with the subject that already mentioned on the “Email Subject”, system will update based on the Route Name that mentioned on the subject (example Silver-SG), system will check the attached file name, and if all valid the system will update the tariff based on the attached file and if there is an error, system will reply to the sender, main email, sell rate email, and finance email the details. Partner can choose the rate type, they may choose the partial or a to z rate, partial means that the system will change the partial rate from the partner route, a to z means that the system will change all the rate from the route.
  • Email Sender : The valid email sender, if there is an email from this email address and sent to or, system will check the email subject and attached file name, and if all valid the system will update the tariff based on the attached file and if there is an error, system will reply to the sender, main email, sell rate email, and finance email the details.
  • Attached File Name : The valid attached file name, if there is an email from “Email Sender” and sent to or with the subject that already mentioned on the “Email Subject”, using correct attached file name, system will update the tariff based on the attached file and if there is an error, system will reply to the sender, main email, sell rate email and finance email the details.

Tariff Setting Tab

Pic 1.3 Setting (SMPP Route)

Pic 1.4 Setting (SIP Route)

As a seller, you have the option to either upload your tariff directly or email it to us in your own template. Please customize your template using the form provided on the left side. Enter the Excel row and column reference into the respective fields, and the system will then analyze your tariff based on the template you've established.

You have the option to upload files in XLS, CSV, or XLSX formats. To activate your personalized template, ensure to tick the 'activate' checkbox.

There is also the option to enable the "Auto Adjust Fee" feature. Once activated, the system will automatically incorporate the transaction fee into your selling rate.

Understanding the "Effective From" Field

  • The term "ASAP" is used when you wish to have routes updated on the marketplace as swiftly as feasible, typically instantaneously.   
  • In the case of a new rate or a rate reduction, the change will be immediately visible in the market view. 
  • For a rate increase, our system identifies it automatically. However, the new rate will only come into effect 7 days after being updated. 

Enforce Dates ASAP Checkbox

Pic 1.5 Tariff Settings Checkbox

Activate the "Enforce Dates ASAP" feature if your rate sheet potentially includes rates with effective dates in the past. Since the system doesn't accept past dates, enabling this option will automatically set the effective date to "ASAP". This ensures successful uploading of the rate in these instances. If you tick this box, our system will automatically mark it as an "ASAP" terms for the following conditions:

  1. Effective Date is Blank or Effective Date is in the past 
    • For rate decrease, it will be set as an "ASAP" terms and will be effective immediately after you upload the ratesheet
    • For rate increase, it will be set as an "ASAP" terms and will be effective D+7 after you upload the ratesheet
  2. Effective Date is less than 7 Days
    • For rate decrease, it will be set as an "ASAP" terms and will be effective immediately after you upload the ratesheet
    • For rate increase, it will be effective D+7 only after you upload the ratesheet
  3. Effective Date is more than 7 Days
    • For rate decrease and increase, it will be effective according with the Dates that you put on the RateSheet

The "Effective From" field also accepts date and time entries, such as '24.12.2024 01:01:01'. For rates that are not marked as 'Forbidden' or 'Discontinued', modifications can only be implemented after a 48-hour period.  

Auto Adjust Fee CheckBox

If you tick this checkbox, our system will automatically adding the Platform Fee to all of your Rate Based on the NeuTrafiX Commission Plan that has been set for your account.

The Interval 1/N feature is specifically designed for situations where your uploaded rate sheets use a single column to represent time increments, such as 1/1 or 60/60. When this option is activated, it will automatically divide these increments into separate Interval1 and IntervalN columns.

The "Use Destination Default Intervals" function is created to automatically populate the necessary billing intervals for each dial code, adhering to the Neutrafix standard format. This feature can be particularly useful if the sheet you're uploading doesn't contain any values for billing intervals, also known as time increments.

The fields "Discontinued Default Value" and "Forbidden Default Value" are mandatory for Neutrafix to determine which rates should be blocked or discontinued. If your rate sheets lack columns for these values, you can set a default value of 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) for the uploaded tariff.

  • Setting on Prefix & MCCMNC : The system will support number separators ( , comma)( ; Semicolon)( - dash)
  • Comma & Semicolon Separator : the comma and semicolon separator will separate the between the number, for example 628211; 628212 or 628211, 628212 will produce two numbers 628211 and 628212
  • Dash separator : the dash separator will produce the number range in between of two numbers, for example if the rate sheet provide the numbers in range between 628211-628215 will produce 5 numbers 628211, 628212, 628213, 628214, 628215.
  • Setting on Date Format : the user should define the date format by select the format on the form, the system will provide some format 

Pic 1.6 Supported Date Format

As the system process the tariff from the attached file, the system also reply the email with the details of error (Pic 1.8 Email Reply Error) or just a success notification that the rate already updated 


                                                                (Pic 1.7 Email Reply Success)


Pic 1.8 Email Reply Error