OBC Tariffs enable sellers to offer different rates as per the originating network of the caller to the virtual number. In many countries, the calling rates for virtual numbers vary as per the caller’s network. In some cases, it is Mobile, Fixed line, Payphone, etc. whereas in some cases it is based on various Mobile networks too. We need to support this differential charging.
Background and Strategic Fit
a) It is important from a seller’s (Operator/aggregator) perspective to have the flexibility to sell number(s) with differential charging per originating network calling the virtual number. The primary reason for the differential charges is the different inter-operator handover rates in many countries, either by virtue of regulation or by the virtue of commercials among various operators locally.
b) Flexibility of Pricing their products as per the commercial/regulatory norms in a market (country of origin) is a key to Operators/carriers (sellers) which can be exercised on Neutrafix using this Origination Based Charging (OBC)
feature. E.g. A Seller (operator) wants to sell Indonesia DID.
The rates for inward calling to this number are different for different networks such as Tsel, XL, ISat, Telkom Fixed etc.
In many other cases, the rates are different per origin for SMS as well.
1- Numbers upload will have a new flag during addition to the system (flag OBC yes/no)
2- When a number has OBC enabled, the seller must define the OBC rates as in tariff to DNIS (new OBC table) from UI. the OBC networks will be defined as prefixes (dial codes e.164).
3- There is a relationship between the unique e.164 DID number and OBC Tariffwhen defined and OBC is enabled, the SIP/SMPP stacks will run AAA calculating the values in the Tariff to DNIS table (OBC Rate table).
4- The billing will be performed based on the CLID (Caller ID / FROM) number, e.g if the call comes from 62800 (Toll-Free Network) the i_rate for TollFree will be calculated x minutes (duration or SMS count).
5- The buyer will purchase the number the same as he does now, with one primary routing/backup routing per did. they will get a rate confirmation/attachment with OBC rates which they will need to import to their billing system to perform billing accordingly on their side well.
Backend Changelog:
* SMPP Proxy_async support for OBC Tariffs * SIP b2bua support for OBC tariffs * AAA support for OBC tariffs * DB Tables for OBC tariffs
A few notes/limitations:
- When an OBC tariff is created default prefix * (default) is created and cannot be deleted.
- When OBC tariff is assigned to DID in market view and in customer view the rates are replaced with a link to OBC tariff ( without disclosing tariff name)
- when an OBC tariff is assigned to purchased DID, it cannot be changed to another OBC tariff. The tariff rates themselves may be updated, the buyer will receive a notification upon rate changes in this case.
How to use OBC Tariffs in NTX Platform?
- Go to Seller Portal >> Numbers nav menu >> Click OBC Tariffs
2. Click Add New OBC Tariff
3. Enter a friendly name for the new OBC Tariff, for e.g:-
4. Access OBC tariff properties
5- Edit the default rate for the * prefix and set your default SMS and Voice price, for e.g. 0.10 USD per SMS or per minute for voice.
6- Now let's add a higher rate (0.15 USD) for calls/messages originating from ITFS network, e.g. starting with prefix (e.164) 800
7- Finally, let's assign our OBC Tariff to one of the seller UK virtual numbers & save.
That's it, now when calls or SMS are originated from a calling network starting with 800 it will be charged 0.15/min or 0.15/SMS, for all others, it will be charged 0.10 USD.
Upload OBC rates in bulk
1- Access OBC Tariff Properties and Click Download Tariff
2- Open the downloaded file in Excel and update your records
3- Upload Tariff file for Bulk upload/processing & check success message