Now NeuTrafiX seller portal enables seller to require manual approval for new buyer interconnects. This new feature is available for all new and existing members, the goal of this feature to enable sellers to review buyer before allowing them to use the trunks and get interconnected. It comes handy for example if a Tier-1 operator only want a specific trunk to be used by only other Tier-1 operators. 

This feature adds an additional step before the buyer can finally send traffic to a seller/route. 

How to enable this feature under your SIP or SMPP trunks:

  1. Login to seller portal 
  2. Click on Routes >> My Routes
  3. Click the edit icon for the route you want to enable this option for.
  4. Check the box "Manual Approval Required First" & Click update

5- After you click update a new section will appear under your route edit page, Buyers Awaiting Approval 

In this section you can Allow or REJECT requests. in both cases the buyer will receive notification about seller decision, if APPROVED the buyer will receive instantly the SIP or SMPP interconnect details along with official rate notification from NeuTrafiX.

Example of approval email:

Example of seller rejection email:

Buyer View when this option is enabled

When a buyer tries to purchase a route that requires a manual approval, they will notice an `alert` message that lets them know this route requires seller approval first. 

Example below:


If you need any assistance with this feature, please contact our support team and someone will be in touch with you to assist you.