- Sign in to your account on members.neutrafix.telin.net
- Go to Numbers and Click My Numbers
- Click DOWNLOAD ALL NUMBERS and Open the template file named “numbers”
- Fill all the required fields and Save. Here is the example of the sheet that ready to be uploaded
- Click browse and find the “numbers” file template on your directory files
- Click Submit and your numbers should be appear on My Numbers page
Important Notes
Numbers published in NeuTrafiX need the Country Code. And in reality, when the end customer dial local numbers, they dont need country code and in some countries if they dial using a country code, the virtual numbers will not get connected. In some countries it requires prefix.
For Example :
- India ITFS 000800xxxxxxx needs to be published with 91 - country code
- Indonesia ITFS 803xxxxxx needs to be published with prefix 62 - country code
But that's not how it is dialed
So if you are a Seller, you need to have the exact same number in the translation you send to NeuTrafiX. Meaning that Indonesia ITFS which is dialed with prefixes such as 001, 007, 008, etc, need to be followed by 803xxxxxxx, which is actually published in NeuTrafiX as 62803xxxxxxx. Needs to have seller send translation just the same as 62803xxxxxx (can't be 803xxxxxxx in this case)