NTX Simple Route Tester

Daily route testing and CLI verification are a must-have task today for every Carrier and VoIP Service provider, there are some great tools that exist today, they do the job well but we think not everyone can afford the high rates and licensing fees that these providers are requesting you to pay for the service.

high costs can cause operators to avoid testing routes more often as they should and this will lead to degraded performance in VoIP networks due to this reason.

Since NeuTrafix aims to have a great number of carriers ready to use on the platform we expose you a simple API that you can utilize to initiate route tests from any Web or Mobile application within a few clicks and get the results and pay per minute the regular termination rate and billing interval as you would normally pay if you would test manually.

You can initially test pre-configured and ready to go carriers including Telin and many others, in case there is a carrier not on the platform you can also add him privately under your seller account and use the i_connection id parameters to initiate the tests to it.

The simple script below allows you to:

  • Initiate test calls on any carrier on TelecomsXChange including your self via a simple HTTP API call
  • CLI verification right on your phone number
  • Set Custom caller IDs
  • Get charged per minute, not per test in this scenario.

$host = "https://members.neutrafix.telin.net";
//NTX Buyer login
$login = "{{ Buyer_Username }}";
// NTX API key, Generated from Buyer Portal, Preferences Page:
$api_key = "{{ API_KEY }}";
// NTX i_account that you want to use for Callback billing, 
$i_account = {{Integer Value}};  // You can get account ID from Accounts Page
// Leg A parameters
$cld1 = "19542405555";  //First number to dial
$cli1 = "1800999999";  // Caller ID to show first number
$i_connection1 = 315;  // Carrier to use e.g 100 is Telin Communications
// Leg B parameters

$cld2 = "18667478647"; //Second number to dial
$cli2 = "962790321224"; //Caller ID t show destination number
$i_connection2 = 529;  // Carrier to use e.g 101 is SIPStatus
$ts = time();   // Get Current Time Stamp
$check_uri = "/api/callback/initiate/$login/$i_account/$cld1/$cli1/$i_connection1/$cld2/$cli2/$i_connection2/$ts/";
// Signing the API key for better security
$sign = hash('sha256',$check_uri . $api_key);
// initiate the call from your script
$handle=curl_init( $host . $check_uri . $sign );
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
$content = curl_exec($handle);
echo $content;

CLI Verification

To verify the CLI you can do it in different ways:

1- CLD2 (Destination Number) can be a mobile or landline DID number that you point back to your Softswitch to see the CLI delivered by the test call, you simply point the DID number to your SIP server and authorize it.

2- CLD 2 (Destination Number) can be any random number that IVR message asks them to announce what is the caller ID they got, with speech to text API you can convert the said number to text and send it to your webhook.

3- CLD2 (Destination Number) can be your own phone number which you can receive calls on and check caller id.

Code can be annoying sometimes, so please do not hesitate to reach out to support@telecomsxchange.com if you get stuck and our team will help you right away to build your tool.