In order any partner wants to sign up in NeuTrafiX, you needs to:

  • Fill in the Sign Up form here

  • You will receive 2 (two) emails: 1 email for their sign up ticket created from, and the other is Docusign (to sign the NeuTrafiX membership agreement) from

  • If you have any trouble for receiving the Docusign, please contact NeuTrafiX admin or you can raise new ticket here
  • NeuTrafiX Registration team will review the sign up form and the signed agreement  
  • Once the agreement signed, and the KYC document approved by our admin, NeuTrafiX Registration team will reply the tickets upon approval and you will receive a user/pass with your Sign in information.
  • Go to and sign in with your account's credential


If you need any assistance with the above steps, do not hesitate to contact us.